Sunday, May 1, 2011

Trump finds White House dinner ‘inappropriate’ – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Trump finds White House dinner ‘inappropriate’ – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Sometimes the news surprises common sense.  It seems that The Donald is a bit put off about being lampooned at  the annual White House Correspondents dinner.

“I really knew what I was getting into last night. I had no idea it would be to that extent where, you know just joke after joke after joke,” the mogul said. “It was almost like, is there anyone else they can talk about?”

He also found the event “inappropriate in certain respects” and spent the evening thinking about how “the American people are really suffering and we’re all having a good time.”
So it seems that
  1. Having behaved like a rather bad joke, The Donald thinks he should be taken seriously.  Really?  Common Sense thinks that if he wants to be taken seriously The Donald should try acting serious.  It might also help if he joined the real world and got his facts straight.
  2. If The Donald is so concerned about having a good time while the American people are suffering perhaps he ought to a) not attend the event and b) have his branded clothing line manufactured in the US not China.  Common Sense thinks that while The Donald is a bad joke his hypocrisy is anything but funny.

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