Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Honesty in a political candidate - will wonders never cease

WAUKEE, IA - MARCH 07:  Potential GOP presiden...Image by Getty Images via @daylife
Raising Cain’s Honesty | Logarchism: "Former Godfather’s Pizza CEO and radio talk show host Herman Cain announced over the weekend that he is running for President. Cain has never held political office before. Rather than discussing the gentleman’s positions, I want to look at the man’s character."
Never mind that on the face of it, Mr Cain isn't really much qualified to be president. Can you believe that when a) asked about the "right of return" and obviously NOT knowing what it was about, then b) being interviewed on a subsequent day on national TV and asked again Mr. Cain actually admitted to not previously knowing. So huge common sense points for honesty. Not so many common sense points for being reasonably informed. Common Sense isn't so sure that he should run for president but Mr. Cain might be a real breath of fresh air during the election cycle and might make a decent Congressman, at least as good of some of the stunningly dishonest current members.

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