Deceitful Attacks from the League of Women Voters | "Deceitful Attacks from the League of Women VotersCommon Sense has written often about political deceptions. That's a polite way of saying lying.
May 11, 2011
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New ads accuse two senators of endangering children’s lives by voting to allow asthma-causing 'emissions' to be released from smokestacks and tailpipes. But in reality, all that the senators voted to curb was the government’s attempt to regulate carbon dioxide and other 'greenhouse' gasses, which have no direct connection to asthma, and an indirect connection that is a matter of debate in the medical community.
The League of Women Voters said April 29 that it would put at least $1 million behind its 'ad blitz' and a related Internet campaign. The ads feature a child struggling to breath and accuse Republican Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts and Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri of voting to allow 'smokestack and tailpipe' emissions responsible for thousands of hospital visits and serious asthma-related illnesses."
There is certainly enough around, particularly on the right. It's worth noting, however, that distortions and lies are not limited to the right. The left has plenty to answer for as well.
In this case the League of Women Voters, who should know better, has decided to lie about positions of a couple of Republicans.
While Common Sense doesn't agree with those positions, greenhouse emissions are widely recognized as a threat to humanity and civilization, what the League has done is both reprehensible and simply a lie.
It's just common sense and common civility to tell the truth when opposing a political position. We all deserve better from our political parties, our politicians, and the League.
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