"Sen. Lindsey Graham calls the president's refusal to release bin Laden's photo a 'mistake.' AP Photo Close President Obama's refusal to show photos of Osama bin Laden's corpse will fuel skeptics around the world who .."
Sarah Palin, on Twitter: @SarahPalinUSA Show photo as warning to others seeking America's destruction. No pussy-footing around, no politicking, no drama;it's part of the mission
Rep. Duncan Hunter, member of the House Armed Services Committee, in an interview with CNN: "I want to see them personally...I did three tours. I'm not talking as a Member of the Armed Services Committee – as a Marine who did three tours because of 9/11. As Americans we deserve to see them.
In an exclusive for TIME, former CIA head of counterterrorism Jose Rodriguez tells Massimo Calabresi that black site prison techniques on KSM and others led to OBL intel. (New York, May 4, 2011)-In his first public interview, former CIA head of ...Behind the widespread jubilation upon the news of Osama bin Laden's death rests an important policy question.
Can we now leave Afghanistan? After all, bin Laden is the reason we went there, 10 years ago.
"National polls conducted since President Barack Obama's announcement Sunday night that Osama bin Laden had been killed don't agree on whether the president's poll numbers spiked due to the death of the man behind the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
So Osama bin Laden is dead. Now it's open season on political posturing for gain. Really, Common Sense wonders what exactly has changed?
Will OBL be less dead if there's no photo of a corpse? Common Sense doesn't think so. Rather common sense dictates that 1) the photo would certainly inflame violent radical, and 2) no matter what is released there will be a wingnut conspiracy theory that he wasn't killed.
Would OBL still be dead without enhanced interrogation techniques? Common Sense doesn't know and neither does anyone else. The facts are that enhanced interrogation techniques were used. That they did yield intelligence. Was that intelligence useful? The people who really know say yes. The people that oppose enhanced interrogation techniques simply don't know. Comments in this space are about political posturing not reality.
Should we leave Afghanistan now? Did we go to Afghanistan just to kill bin Laden? Common Sense thinks not. Bin Laden planned the 9/11 attacks but there was and is a real al Qaeda network that carried them out. They had a protected home in Afghanistan. Now they have semi protected homes in several countries. While one can debate the merits of staying in Afghanistan leaving is almost certain to return the country as an Al Qaeda haven.
President Obama's poll bump. Mr Obama didn't fire the shot that killed bin Laden. He is president as was Mr Bush before him. How good a president he is depends on his policies and actions. His policy with respect to Al Qaeda and bin Laden largely parallel his predecessor Mr Bush. Bin Laden's death doesn't change anything. It doesn't make Mr Obama's policies better or worse. It shouldn't change our opinions about him as a president.
Common Sense thinks that we should all get a grip about is real and what is not. Posturing doesn't change reality. Never has. Never will. That's just common sense.
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