Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Poll: Americans as unhappy as ever with Congress -

Citizens registered as an Independent, Democra...Image via Wikipedia
Poll: Americans as unhappy as ever with Congress - "WASHINGTON — Americans voted to turn over control of the House of Representatives to Republicans last fall, but a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds they remain as unhappy as they have ever been with Capitol Hill."

By more than 2-1, voters say most members of Congress don't deserve re-election, matching a historic low reached last spring. Twenty-eight percent say most members should get another term in office; 63% say most should be replaced.

Feverish discontent with Congress last year fueled the conservative Tea Party movement and cost Democrats their hold on the House. The levels of dyspepsia are higher than they were just before elections in 1994, 2006 and 2010, all years when control changed hands.

So what do you think, do the Tea Party congressmen have a mandate? How about the Republicans or Democrats? Guess not.

Common Sense has frequently commented on our dysfunctional Congress and continues to believe it should be replaced, preferably with citizens that have some common sense and are neither Republicans or Democrats. Those fools have had plenty of chances to govern reasonably and have failed rather stunningly. Makes a fair bit of common sense that a different way should be tried.

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