Green Car Congress: US National Research Council reiterates need for action in US to limit magnitude of climate change; final volume in Americas Climate Choices: "US National Research Council reiterates need for action in US to limit magnitude of climate change.Climate change is in the news again, as well it should be. Common Sense wonders Cui bono? Why when humanity is threatened, that's all of us, Democratic, Republican, Independent, do we through our government continue to pretend that climate change doesn't matter, isn't real, or is so far in the future that it can be ignored? Common Sense has children and grand children as do most of us. Clearly the future does matter to us.
Warning that the risk of dangerous climate change impacts is growing with every ton of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere, a US National Research Council committee reiterated the pressing need for substantial action to limit the magnitude of climate change and to prepare to adapt to its impacts."
So the obvious question is Cui bono, who benefits? Its Common Sense and its you. The benefit, such as it is, is convenience and profit. It's convenient to burn carbon to generate electricity, power industry, provide transportation, and grow our food.
But the benefits are short term. Fossil fuels are rapidly being depleted. One can argue how long they will last but the fact remains they are finite and will be effectively gone within a few generations. While one can argue the reasons; inefficiency, population, etc.; the fact remains that what we are doing is unsustainable. Even if climate change doesn't diminish or destroy civilization, humanity will soon run out of carbon fuel. Humanity doesn't need only a greenhouse gas policy, we need a real sustainable energy policy. We need both now! Not tomorrow or in some indefinite future. That's just common sense.
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