Now, I know better and told Comcast so. The broadcasters don't send the disable code, Comcast does. So passing the buck is just, well, a lie! I explained this notion to comcast. No effect expected. None occurred.
Here Comcast made a mistake. They think that they still have a lock on high speed service to my house. As it happened, last week a Verizon contractor pulled cable pipe for FIOS down our street! I explained this to Comcast and noted that when Verizon came around asking if I'd like to switch they were rather likely to get to yes. No effect expected. None occurred.
All of this leaves Common Sense wondering. How is it that Comcast thinks that eliminating useful functionality that their customers previously enjoyed is a good business decision? Really, Comcast, get a clue. All that's really going to happen is that I'll turn off the sound and go get a cup of coffee. Later, when Verizon sends a promotion I'll say yes then call Comcast and fire them.
Now, I'm just one customer so I don't expect Comcast to particularly note my departure. But if enough people leave then it will matter.
All of which has got Common Sense wondering why it is that large companies so often become so arrogant that they start ignoring the customer's interest? Common Sense has seen it fairly frequently of late as companies try to maximize profit. As often as not all they really end up doing is loosing customers. That's just bad business and, frankly, dumb. So here's a clue for Comcast and other large companies -
The money starts in the customers hand. If you want the money to get to your hand you actually have to satisfy the customer! The customer was fine before doing business with you and chances are will be just fine after firing you.
Just a common sense POV.
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