Thursday, May 5, 2011

MLK quote

The simple truth is that MLK didn't actually say this.
I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy.
Here are some references:
That said, the quote is interesting.  It appeals to the notion of "love thy enemy."  It appeals to our better gentler self.  It confronts the unseemly demonstrations around OBL's death.

But, how relevant is it in the real world?  Should the death of evil not be a cause for joy?  Should we turn the other cheek on evil that forfeits the lives of innocents and denies their basic humanity?

Common Sense is glad bin Laden is dead.  I hope that the women I know who lost her finance on 9/11 will finally find closure.  I'm glad that the families of my dead colleagues have finally received some measure of justice.  When evil that has no regard for innocence or humanity is destroyed the world is a better place.  That's just common sense.

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