Thursday, May 5, 2011

Porn and the law

Court Says Porn on Work Computer Is Grounds for Firing | Threat Level | - With that in mind, the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the firing of a Wisconsin high school biology teacher and union president for viewing thumbnail images of porn for one minute. Robert Zellner, an 11-year teacher, claimed his 2006 termination for typing “blonde” in the Google search bar was in retaliation for his constitutionally protected criticism of his employer.


Watching Internet Porn at NYC Libraries Protected by First Amendment, Officials Say - "New Yorkers can watch internet porn at the city's public libraries thanks to a policy of free speech protected by the First Amendment, the New York Post reported Monday."

OK, at work with adults your employer can fire you. In public with children around it's protected speech. So an employer's property rights trump a parent's rights to protect their child from porn. Employer property rights to a computer terminal also trumps the library's property rights to a state owned computer terminal. Common sense ... not.

When the law as interpreted by courts abridges parental rights and common sense then the law needs to be changed. That's just common sense.

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