Saturday, February 18, 2017

Trumplandia Today: Saturday February 18


News Views Commentary

Time to impeach this demagogue while we still can.  The press is not the enemy of the American people. Those that disagree with Trump are not traitors. These are the acts of a disturbed would be tyrant.

Trump deletes a tweet declaring several media outlets an enemy to the people, only to re-post it with more outlets added.

Trump Just Took A Page Straight Out Of Hitler’s Playbook With A Terrifying Tweet

Fact-checking Donnie's Delusion

What a Failed Trump Administration Looks Like

Even FOX is starting to recognize that Trump is unbalanced

 "If businesses are forced to pay women the same as male earnings, that means they will have to reduce the pay for the men they employ," the official had written in a letter to the editor.

"We're just trying to manage this s***," one Republican lawmaker said after President Donald J. Trump's press conference

Best Memes

Progressive policies work. This is the America that all Americans deserve.

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