Monday, February 13, 2017

Trumplandia Today: Monday February 13

Impeachment time yet?

News, Happenings, and Views

PANTS ON FIRE: A fabricated news story claiming Donald J. Trump controversial executive order on immigration led to the arrest of a suspected terrorist doesn’t pass inspection. 

In despotic declaration, Trump senior advisor says Trump’s power “will not be questioned” 

American spies are in revolt. That's according to the Observer (formerly owned by Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner) which has a detailed account of unprecedented fears in the intelligence community. It's gotten so bad that intelligence is being withheld from the White House for fears it will go straight to the Kremlin. 

Marco Rubio Accepts $100,000 From Betsy DeVos’ Family Just Before Confirming Her   Now, just wondering, about Congressional Ethics Office. How does that work again exactly? 

Treasury Secretary Nominee Steve Mnuchin’s Bet Against Seniors 

This is a collection of what 30-year-old White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller said on the Sunday talk show circuit.  Is it time for impeachment not?  

Gallup poll: Trump approval rating at new low

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chair of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, is getting a lot of unwanted invoices from constituents. Chaffetz was thoroughly embarrassed by hundreds of constituents at a town hall last week, who were demanding he answer for supporting Trump’s Muslim ban and protesting his lack of interest in holding hearings on President Trump’s multiple conflicts of interest. In an interview with the Salt Lake City-based Deseret News, Rep. Chaffetz dismissed his angry constituents as professional protesters dispatched by leftist organizations. 

At Mar-a-Lago, Trump tackles crisis diplomacy at close range 

Canada’s Justin Trudeau Just Showed World Leaders How To Shake Trump’s Hand  What kind of President do we have when handshakes are a thing? Just wondering.


"We are sending a message to Donald Trump: No wall. No immigrant raids. No aggression to Mexico."

"We all have this suspicion that - you know, that he’s not - he lies a lot," U.S. Senator Al Franken said, adding "that is not the norm for a president of the United States, or, actually, for a human being."

In a story titled, "Trump turns Mar-a-Lago Club terrace into open-air situation room" the Washington Post takes a look at how this past weekend, alongside Japan's Prime Minister, President Trump viewed classified information in a not-so-private dining room.

Lazy Trump Just Announced He’s Going On Vacation For A THIRD Weekend In A Row

Trump said ‘SEE YOU IN COURT’. A federal judge just called his bluff.
U.S. District Judge James Robart – who Trump called a “so-called judge” after putting Trump’s Muslim Immigration Ban on temporary hold – has denied White House requests to delay court proceedings on the administration’s controversial travel ban.

Trump reviews top White House staff after tumultuous start  Michael Flynn is under fire, but he’s not the only one about whom Trump is voicing his doubts.

The chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, says he doesn't believe his panel has the authority to request President Donald J. Trump's tax returns.

Donald Trump’s nomination for Labor Secretary, fast food CEO and notorious exploiter of workers Anthony Puzder, just had a major wrench thrown into his confirmation.  Talkshow host and media empress Oprah Winfrey once had Puzder’s ex-wife, Lisa Fierstein, on the Oprah Winfrey Show to recount how she had been cruelly abused by her then-husband.

Trump Just Hired Cheerleaders For The Most Pathetic Reason Ever

Delusion of the Day

Crowds were protesters! 

Best Twitter Exchange of the Day

Only Our Donnie News of the Day

Best Memes

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