- The Supreme Court Advances a Lawsuit to Nullify the 2016 election! It is a very long shot but it IS in play!
- Whitehouse violates freedom of press bars several national press organizations from briefing!
- CPAC distributes Russian Trump flags for his speech!
- Whitehouse attempts to subvert FBI Russian investigation!
- Republicans continue to hide from their constituents!
- EPA now head in bed with fossil fuel industry!
- Trump sells $6.5 million in government appointments for campaign contributions!
News Views Commentary
It is a very long shot but it IS in play!
Freedom of the press is guaranteed by the Constitution. This is a breach of that Constitution. This is impeachable!
Unbelievable. You just couldn't imagine or make this stuff up. Definitely time to impeach.
Subversion of justice is an impeachable offense. Is it time to impeach now?
Be afraid. Be very very afraid. Our democracy is under attack from this President and his henchmen. Time to impeach.
Mid-term elections are in 2018. No matter how hard Republicans run away from their constituents those same constituents will still vote.
With an unethical EPA head what could possibly go wrong?
It's not just agriculture that the Immigration Crackdown will impact. It's a whole range of jobs most Americans will not do like cleaning, landscaping, and construction. Beyond that consider what will happen on the US southern border when hundreds of thousands are deported. That will certainly destabilize the border.
Closed event had no lines. In Delusional Don sees whatever his ego demands. Reality need not intrude.
Donnie attacks FBI again. Can you say demagogue?
Make America Great Again. Deport farm laborers make food cost more or less available and damage the trillion dollar tourist industry. Meanwhile keep out people from countries that have NEVER committed terrorist acts in the US. Yeah we're definitely going to be 'Great Again'.
Trump inspires protesters everywhere. Obama, not so much.
Trump delusion in search of evidence. What could possibly go wrong when a delusional demagogue demands that reality obey his delusions?
Blatant corruption! Cabinet positions and government appointments for sale. Contribute now there are still many positions available. .... Time to impeach.
Real poll. Bogus headlines.
Never ending corruption in Trumplandia. Is it time to impeach yet?
Hypocrisy much?
"Believe me" ... Trumplandia version.
Special award for dumbest Republican town hall excuse today.
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Trumplandia, is it super incompetent or is it super illegal. We are at a point with Trump where there are only two choices he is either completely incompetent or he is actively seeking to subvert the Constitution in a treasonous way. Either one requires his removal.