Friday, November 11, 2016

Dear DNC: Get a grip on reality

“There’s going to be a fight of progressives versus the moderates, which, to be honest, is what got us into this place in the first place,” predicted former senior DNC official Mo Elleithee, now the executive director of the Institute of Politics and Public Service at Georgetown University.

Really? Do you think that just maybe Ms Clinton as a candidate might have something to do with how we got here? Perhaps it might have had something to do with ignoring working middle class voters. Or do you think that continuing the politics of the past in the face of Trump and Sanders might be involved. Really, get a grip on reality.

Trump and Sanders are two sides of a common coin, the rejection of politics that ignores real people and real needs. One tapped anger, the other offered real solutions to real problems. If you continue to insist that it's about progressives v. moderates v. conservatives you remain mired in a system that hasn't worked and that lead to a President-Elect Trump. 

Perhaps it's time to get over your labels and try actually offering real solutions to real problems. After all the anger vote went to the other guy. Just a thought.

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