Saturday, November 12, 2016

A few thoughts from a veteran

I am a veteran. You do not owe me anything special for I have enjoyed the many many many benefits of living in America.

I am a veteran. There is sadly nothing special about that for I am one of many many many who are.
It saddens me that this is so.

I am a veteran. If you want to respect our service actually work to build a just and fair America that works for everyone not just the wealthy and powerful for that is why I and many many many like me served.

I am a veteran. If you wish to honor veterans, if you wish to actually thank me for my service try actually believing in and practicing American values. Try caring for the families of those who didn't return. Try mending the wounds of those that returned broken. Try respecting everyone no matter their race, or gender, or national origin, or language, or religion, or political party, or sexual orientation, or any other consideration. If you are religious, try acting like you actually believe that we are all god's children. If you are not, try acting alike you actually believe in a common humanity. Try some simple humanity.

I am a veteran. I am not a pacifist. Even so I dream of a time when there are no more of us for there are no more wars.

If you wish to honor our service, make such service unnecessary.

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