Sunday, February 28, 2016

Apple v FBI: What does the judge's order actually say

The specifics of this order are very important and have been widely distorted and misrepresented. This post attempts to state the essential elements of the order in a simple non-technical manner so that others may better understand the issues.

The order itself can be found here. There was some subsequent alteration of the original order (link needed).  In summary it requires the following:
  • the creation of software that bypasses the delay and destruction features associated with unlocking the phone
  • keying the software to this specific phone
  • provide mechanisms that allow the FBI to access the phone to conduct a brute-force unlock
The order further provides:
  • The phone may be in Apple's possession during the unlock process and work performed at an Apple facility
  • Apple need not provide the software in any form to the FBI
  • Apple is free to dispose of the software as it wishes
  • Apple is compensated for their work supporting the FBI
Note: if this summary of the order is in any way factually incorrect or biased please let me know.

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