I'm 73. I've voted in every presidential election I've been eligible to vote in and all but 2 other national elections. In my entire adult life, that's 50 plus years for those arithmetically challenged, I have voted for a political party candidate for president I actually thought well qualified and reasonably honest exactly ... once. Other than that I've held my nose and chosen the lesser of two unqualified opportunistic choices.
In my life some presidents have accomplished some good. Others have been so destructive as to make me wonder what we as a people were thinking. Most have ultimately been dishonest. We have had some congresses that worked in the interest of the electorate at least some of the time. In recent years we have had congresses that by any metric serve only moneyed interest.
A significant majority of Americans are just fed up and have adopted 'a pox on both your houses' attitude with this business as usual. That's why we have Mr Trump and Mr Sanders.
As a nation we are at something of a crossroads. We can choose business as usual, a continuation of dishonest and ultimately evil candidates for president and (this part is important) congress. We can also choose something different.
If you are a voter, if you want change, if you want honesty, if you want principled representation you need to get involved. You need to be part of the primary process. You need to be part of the actual election.
If you do, there is some hope for change. If you don't you can be certain that governance will continue as usual. If you don't you can be certain that the problems that inflict US society will continue and get worse.
Get involved. Get informed about the candidates for president and just as importantly congress. Vote.
It's just that simple.
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