Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Philosophy of Gridlock

Full Show: How Do Conservatives and Liberals See the World? | Moyers & Company | BillMoyers.com:

How do Conservatives and Liberals See the World? from BillMoyers.com on Vimeo.

Common Sense is not a big fan of Bill Moyers but his provocative and thoughtful interview with Jonathan Haidt is well worth the effort. It sheds considerable light on some of the reasons Congress has become hopelessly dysfunctional.  Be warned though, you'll actually have to put aside your biases and think.

Of some note, Mr. Haidt offers two suggestions for how to change our broken Congress.  The first is to make demonetization, attributing evil motives, of our opponents socially unacceptable.  In this political season of Obama bad, Romney Obama light thus bad, Gingrich evil, etc. this would certainly be an improvement hopefully allowing ideas to displace name calling.  The second is to eliminate the corruption that has lead to a bought and paid for Congress.  Efforts to get big, particularly big corporate money, out of government should be vigorously supported.  Common Sense thinks these are good steps  forward.

Here is the Ted talk from Mr. Haidt.

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