Friday, February 17, 2012

Birth control and religious freedom part 2

Birth control and religious freedom continues in the news.  Common Sense offers the following from the recent Public Religious Research Institution survey:

So the simple fact is that with rare exception a majority, often a significant majority of Americans agree with President Obama.

But your Congress, you know the one with a 10% approval rating, lead by wing nuts on the right, doesn't feel the need to agree.  Case in point Senator Blunt's amendment to a bill principally focused on highway construction aid would allow employers and insurers to limit specific health care coverage, that's any coverage whatsoever including contraception based on religious or moral objections!

But wait, there's more,
Two female Democrats walked out of a House oversight committee hearing on the contraceptive coverage rule Thursday morning, accusing Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) of manipulating committee rules to block female witnesses from testifying.
Read more:

Common Sense thinks that Bill Moyers has it right when he writes "Freedom of and Freedom From" religion.  Believe what you will.  Within reason practice what you will.  Do not, however, presume to impose your beliefs on everyone else.  Common Sense thinks that Congress should reflect the will of the people, the 98% of women who use contraception at some time in their life, the 67% of Catholic women who agree that insurance should cover contraception services, and not  a minority of ultra conservative religious zealots who would impose their beliefs of the rest of society.
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