Body scanners, pat downs prompt traveler backlash
New airport security measures, particularly full-body scanners, are angering many passengers. One man's refusal of the scan has galvanized others across the US.
A video of a passenger refusing to undergo a full-body scan at an airport in San Diego has gone viral, propelling the man, John Tyner, to celebrity status.His instant fame reflects widespread frustration with increasingly invasive security methods at US airports nine years after the 9/11 attacks.
Tyner was irate about having to either undergo a full-body scan or endure security officials' new pat-down methods, which the Associated Press said now include running hands up the inside of passengers' legs. The New York Times said the more aggressive pat-downs – "in which women's breasts and all passengers' genital areas are patted firmly" – began Nov. 1.
Pilots and crew are among those growing increasingly frustrated with security measures, according to the Associated Press. "I would say that pilots are beyond fed up," pilot Tom Walsh told AP. "The TSA is wasting valuable time and money searching the crew – who are not a threat."
It's been clear for some while that the TSA common sense is an oxymoron. This is just the latest foolishness out of the TSA.
For openers lets go back to the events that lead to the TSA. For those that don't remember, aircraft were hijacked. The hijackers gained access to the aircraft control cabins and crashed them into the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon in one of the worst acts of terrorism in US history. Something clearly needed to be done to prevent similar acts in the future. Something was eventually done, though why it took months is a complete mystery, cockpit doors were reinforced. Common sense to be sure and it is no longer possible to for a terrorist to enter the cockpit.
Now comes the TSA and enhanced airport security. Today if you want to fly add 30 minutes to an hour to your travel time to allow for TSA screening. Oh, don't plan on bring along a tube of toothpaste, a bottle of shampoo, can of shaving cream, etc. from home since the TSA wants to be sure that you don't bring along the chemicals to make a bomb. Be sure to wear shoes that are easy to take off since the TSA wants to xray your shoes for explosives. Don't forget to take your belt off. Oh, be sure and take your laptop out of it's case. And it you are one of the lucky ones, be prepared for enhanced screening AFTER you go through the metal detector and your luggage has been xrayed!
Now to be fair, on one hand it's true that there have been no more aircraft hijackings. What there has been in a continued stream of TSA failures when their 'security' measures are tested by both the TSA and independent testers! The TSA doesn't like to talk about this but it's true. Various tests have brought all manner of contraband including guns through TSA. Oh, while we're in the area lets not forget the demonstrated inability of the TSA to stop contraband brought into the airport by workers!
While it is true that the TSA's security measures will stop the stupid terrorist it's clearly not true that the TSA's passenger security protocols will stop committed smart terrorist. What will stop those is on the aircraft. You do remember that reinforced cockpit door, don't you? The one that stops a terrorist from gaining entry.
Now the TSA brings us full body scanners and pat downs that in any other context would be sexual assault. This helps stop what? Common sense is completely mystified by this one. It's expensive. Passengers are offended. It's unnecessary by any reasonable measure or necessity. And, most importantly, it doesn't stop the threat of someone blowing up an aircraft! Don't forget that the aircraft controls are already secured behind a reinforced door.
It seems that flight crews are tired of the TSA's nonsense. That's easy to understand as anyone that flies is tired of the TSA foolishness. But common sense is offended when the flight crews argue that they are not a threat. Now, it's likely true that flight crews are not a threat. It's also likely true that neither are the children that the TSA routinely traumatizes or the millions of passengers still willing to fly!
For my part I've quit flying unless it's absolutely necessary. I quit when it became clear that it's quicker to drive from Boston to NY than it is to fly. Don't think so? Just add the airport time to the drive time and do the math! When I don't feel like driving I take the train. It's almost as fast and much more comfortable than flying! I'm a big fan of nationwide high speed rail. Don't think it's practical. Consider that when I was flying weekly between Boston and Atlanta the average ground speed including airport time was roughly 180 MPH. That's right, three times the interstate speed limit, and less than half the Accela speed! I even drive to Charlotte from Boston. It takes roughly 14 hours, a bit more than twice the time it takes to fly when I include dealing with airports and, lets not forget, the TSA, and I don't have to rent a car when I arrive.
All of this is by way of providing a common sense view that the TSA is the poster child for a government entity that is entirely out of control. Their security measures don't work particularly reliably as evidenced by test. They are expensive and increasingly offensive and intrusive. Common sense suggests that the TSA needs to be reigned in and management replaces with someone that has some appreciation of what's necessary and appropriate and what isn't.
Just a common sense POV, rant included.
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