A defiant Sen. Chris Dodd defended his actions on bonuses for AIG executives Friday as news surfaced that a senior company executive was returning his $6 million bonus.
Sen. Chris Dodd admitted to CNN this week that he added bonus legislation to the stimulus bill.
Dodd said he was misled on the issue of bonuses for AIG executives. He claimed he would not have drafted key legislative changes allowing the bonuses to move forward if he knew the purpose of those changes.
Meanwhile, a senior AIG executive said through a company spokesman that he will return his $6 million bonus. The executive, Doug Poling, is returning the money "because it's the correct thing to do," said Mark Herr, an AIG spokesman.
Dodd, a Democrat from Connecticut, said officials at the Treasury Department led him to believe that the changes added to the $787 billion economic stimulus bill shortly before its final passage were merely "technical and innocuous" in nature.
So Mr Dodd didn't do it, then he did it but the treasury made him do it (you'll understand my amazement at the notion that anyone can make the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee do anything), now he's angry and he's been mislead. And, of course, according to the mislead Mr Dobb the changes were "technical and innocuous," never mind the millions they cost the taxpayer.
This last is really priceless. Lets see, presumptively as chairman of the Banking Committee, Mr Dobb is suppose to be competent and, one supposes, has sufficient staff to ensure that he understands the bills he's responsible for. So when Mr Dobb says he was mislead one can only assume that he is either incompetnet or such a poor manager that his staff is out to lunch. In either case, Mr Dobb should be replaced at least as chairman of the Banking Committee where given the pending next round of banking bailouts I'm inclined to the common sense notion that the country really could use someone who knows what they are doing and is in control of their staff.
Of course, I suppose, it is possible that Mr Dobb was bought and paid for by the very industry he is suppose to help regulate on behalf of the people of the country.
So which seems most likely. Mr Dobb is incompitent, corrupt, or both? Hm. What does common sense suggest to you? Oh, and does "technical and innocuous" ryme with "porky little ammendments?"
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