Friday, December 23, 2011

There's a tax "cut" deal ... NOT. Time to change Congress.

So the news today is that there's a tax cut deal.  Really?  The expatriation of  the temporary tax cut has been avoided for two months.  Point one - there never was a permanent tax cut, just a temporary one.  Neither democrats or republicans ever proposed a permanent reduction in the payroll tax!  The deal, such as it is, provides a two months extension of the temporary cut and (here's the important part) provides for a republican/democratic conference committee to work on a one year extension of the tax cut.  Still no permanent tax cut, just a 12 month extension.  More interesting still is who is on the conference committee.  So far what we know is that of the 5 of the 8 house members have already said that they oppose a one year extension!

Common Sense thinks that what we have here is more of the same from our Congress.  Just the most recent round of partisan posturing and gamesmanship without any concern for you or me.  It's time to change your congressional representative.

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