Sunday, November 6, 2011

Candidate Cain: race v. sexual harrasment

Cain has tried to make his surprising presidential run to be about anything but race. He has chided other African-Americans for blaming their circumstances on race, has blasted black voters for being "brainwashed" for voting for Democrat, and he has garnered applause from his mostly white audiences by lighting into identity politics.
Common Sense is not so much surprised as dismayed by Mr Cain's posturing trying to shift focus from his sexual behavior to race.  While it is certainly true that sexual misconduct is not a bar to political office, note most recently Mr. Clinton's troubles, it is true that there is a difference between sexual impropriety between consenting adults and sexual harassment.  It is also true that denying conduct that is a matter of public record is beyond foolish to the point that the denial becomes an issue in one's qualification for the presidency.  To then argue that the questions aren't about one's conduct but race, Common Sense remembers that Mr. Clinton is not black, compounds the problem.  

Common Sense thinks that America deserves more, much much more, from those who would be president than sexual harassment, lying, playing the race card, and posturing so outrageously foolish as to border on wingnut stupidity.
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