Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sometimes the news is just to funny: Sarah Palin sticks up for Donald Trump -

Sarah Palin sticks up for Donald Trump -

What can Common Sense add.  Stunningly unqualified to be president Ms Palin speaking up for stunningly unqualified to be president The Donald!  Sometimes politics and the news is just to funny for words.

Ms Palin's point, such as it is, is that The Donald is just answering news media questions.  Therefore The Donald's birther nonsense is the news media's fault!  Presumably Ms Palin believes that The Donald didn't motivate the questions!  Yet another example of The Palin blaming the news media when they have the nerve to publish something that reflects badly on a public candidate.  Clearly common sense need not apply to either The Donald or The Palin!

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