Common Sense thought the video interesting if a bit fluffy. More interesting still though are comments. Consider this pair:
Why is she still on the air?! she constantly says stupid shit, non stop. shes so one sided. if she had a show like hannity or glen beck id understand, but shes a damn news reporter. what happend to a non partisan view?! 88texasman
How is civil discourse advanced by 1) accusing the reporter of saying "stupid shit, non stop" or 2) accusing 88texasman of sounding like "Whoopi's tampon?" The point here is that this kind of exchange is part of what's broken! Name calling doesn't advance civil discourse.
While Common Sense comments on the failings of our political leaders, it seems that at least to some degree they are just a reflection of us. For our society to prosper we all need to be better than this or at least require that our politicians, politicos, and news agencies conduct themselves civilly.
Oh, btw, I'm not as old as the sheriff but I to remember that we used to be better than this and think that we need to return to those values if we're to work together and address the real problems we as a nation face.
Just a bit of Common Sense.