I'm not sure where to even start with this topic.
As a point of reference I'm almost 65. I mention that as prelude to the fact that I remember when the entire gross national product of the united states was less than a trillion dollars! Now we've already had an almost trillion dollar bank bailout and are about to have an almost trillion dollar stimulus package.
My first observation about these sort of numbers is that clearly the value of the US dollar is NOT what it once was. That brings up the obvious question of who benefits by devaluation. Now, I'm no economist but it occurs to me that only those with a great deal of debt benefit as they are able to use devalued dollars to pay back expensive dollars. If you're a home owner that works well. But home owner debt is small change compared to government debt. So one big winner of inflation is the government.
In any game where there are winners there is also of necessity losers. So who loses is a fairly obvious question. In this case I think it is mostly people with fixed assets ... read retired people with no debt.
I'm inclined to observe that this is not a game that a just society should be engaged in.
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