Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Your congress, you know the one that doesn't seem to be able to do much about the critical problems facing the average American, lobbied effectively by large copyright holders proposes to place unreasonable burdens on internet companies to monitor the internet for copyright violations and to deny US citizens access to sites that allegedly violate copyrights by blocking IPs.  These bills are wrong headed, heavy handed, and simply won't work in Common Sense's view.  They should be vigorously opposed.  Write your congressman to oppose SOPA and PIPA.

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

TED Talks: Some common sense on health care

TED (conference)
Image via Wikipedia
If you are not familiar with TED talks take a look at the listing site.  One recent posting is of a common sense idea to reduce the cost of medicine by creating an alternative market mechanism, a Health Impact Fund, that would compensate pharmaceutical companies based on the impact of a drug on health.  The basic notion is that a pharma company could enroll a drug in a Health Impact Fund.  Such drugs would be sold at cost and the Pharma company receive a portion of the Health Impact Fund tied to the impact the drug has on overall health.  Worth listening to.
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